The Lodge at Four Acre
How about this for an archaeological profile? This must be an archaeologists dream with the full section exposed and not much digging to do!
This is an eroded section of the lodge bank at Four Acre Mill in the Cheesden Valley Heywood near Lancashire. It is adjacent to the outlet where the water would have driven the water wheel at the Mill situated a matter of yards lower down. The lodge was built before 1810 for the mill which started its life carding and spinning wool. Remains still exist of the mill amounting to a low rubble wall and much scattered debris. A hole which I think might come from the tail race in the bank below is taken up by a fox or badger.
The valley is full of the signs of mans endeavours to utilise the landscape to help him prosper. It was only recently that I noticed a whole range of ridge and furrow around the area known as Tom Hill.
I am currently carrying out a project to photograph the Cheesden Valley and it has its own separate blog.
There is a Google Earth map of the valley which I have created. You can download it at my archi-maps page here.